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2nd MTP Joint Capsulitis

What is 2nd MTP Joint Capsulitis & Symptoms?

Capsulitis is inflammation of a joint capsule. The second MTP joint is one of the capsules that most commonly experiences inflammation. Each foot possesses five MTP joints that connect your toe bones, or phalanges, with your metatarsal bones—long, thin bones located in your mid-foot.

Pain associated with capsulitis of the second metatarsal phalangeal joint, or the second MTP joint, is felt in the ball of the foot especially near the base of the second and sometimes third or fourth toes. Sometimes there is even swelling in the knuckle behind the second toe. Pain in the second MTP joint is often diagnosed as second MTP joint capsulitis. This is a bit of a catch all term but in general is like inflammation of the ligaments around this joint because of a stress overload and increase weight bearing and a disproportionate manner to this joint.


2nd MTP Joint Capsulitis

Causes of 2nd MTP Joint Capsulitis

  • Often this occurs after wearing a pair of shoes that don't have as much support as typical with increased walking. Sometimes runners we'll experience this after they've increased training, or if shoes have worn out and have not been replaced. Other times there is no distinct cause as to why this has started. Many of the problems and the feet are mechanical, and this particular problem is no exception. From a mechanical standpoint approximately 50% of the forefoot weight bearing load is carried by the great toe and the bones behind it including the first metatarsal. The remaining 50% is distributed amongst the second third fourth and fifth metatarsals and the corresponding metatarsophalangeal joints (where the toes meet the forefoot) this entire area (MTP joints #1-#5) is also described as "the ball of the foot". A very common problem occurs when the first metatarsal does not carry its appropriate weight bearing load and therefore an increased load gets shifted to the remaining second third fourth and fifth metatarsals.
  • Typically the second metatarsal is next in line and receives the brunt of this "stress overload". Over time this increased stress can cause problems including inflammation and pain and eventually damaging the second MTP joint capsule itself. When this damage occurs, often there is resultant misalignment of the second toe whether it starts to drift toward the great toe or starts to contract into what is described as a hammertoe. It is even possible over time for this capsule to completely breakdown and for the second toe to dislocate from the metatarsal head. This is also seen in some other conditions such as with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Additional common mechanical causes of stress overload to the second MTP joint include an elevated first metatarsal, a hypermobile first metatarsal, a short first metatarsal, where a long second metatarsal. In addition, hammertoe contracture can cause a retrograde buckling of the joint and abnormal pressure on the capsule and related structures.

Treatment for 2nd MTP Joint Capsulitis

  • After the initial physical examination of your foot and ankle, we typically will need an x-ray to evaluate the foot structure. We evaluate potential causes of pain in the second MTP joint area and rule out other potential differential diagnosis considerations such as a stress fracture or arthritis. Looking at the foot in a weight bearing position and gait evaluation can also be very helpful. Diagnostic ultrasound imaging can provide an excellent image of the associated structures including the capsule. But in some of the more difficult cases, we will need MRI evaluation to get a definitive picture and/or assessment of a tear of the capsule. A further sub-category of the capsule is the plantar plate. This can be torn and is also well visualized MRI evaluation.
  • Because this is a mechanical problem, change in the mechanics of foot function and the way the foot interfaces with the ground is a good approach. This includes both shoes and orthotics. Orthotics such as the dr foot pro insoles with a metatarsal raise are ideal. The whole goal is to get the first metatarsal to bear more weight and the second metatarsal less weight, a metatarsal raise incorporated into the orthotic which lifts the 2-3 metatarsals is ideal for this purpose. In addition to shift some of the weight bearing phase of gait off of the forefoot and allow a longer time frame with the heel strike phase of gait. Some of this can be quite complicated including both the orthotics and related shoe recommendations. But it is quite impressive what can be done by changing the mechanics with the dr foot pro insoles with metatarsal raise. Other simple things that can help include avoiding going barefoot at home, aggressive calf stretches, and a night splint.
  • Finally, some of our patients have such a pronounced underlying structural problems that these have to be corrected in order for the problem to resolve. Many of these patients end up requiring surgery. Once the normal mechanical function has been reestablished, we are able to resolve the second MTP joint pain in the ball of the foot.

    This condition is often confused with a Morton’s Neuroma because the pain is felt in the same general region, however not in the exact same region. Many patients will complain of pain in this general area and a web diagnosis may lead them to an incorrect self-diagnosis. Properly identifying the cause of pain is the first step to properly treating the condition

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