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Getting your Feet Ready for Spring

You have hidden your feet away all winter inside closed shoes and boots. If you're a woman then those UGG boots have been a life saver to hide away your feet, but now spring has arrived, the sun in shining and it's time to show off those feet! However, your feet may be all crusty, rough, smelly and even worse you may be sporting a fashionable bunion like Victoria Beckham. With a little help from Dr Foot you can get your feet ready for spring!


A lack of oil glands on your feet leaves them prone to dryness. Cold weather and walking around barefooted also drain away moisture.

Dr Foot Tip: Hydrate and exfoliate daily. After bathing, use a pumice stone or a heel scrub to slough off dry skin. We recommend making your very own DIY foot scrub, it won't take too long and your feet will thank you for it. To do this mix together equal parts brown sugar and almond oil and work it into your feet for a few minutes (it works on your body, too). Then rinse. The oil will leave your feet feeling silky smooth.

Extra step: If you're prone to very dry skin on your feet then visit for CSS foot cream, apply this cream on your feet and put on a pair of socks before going to bed. Your heels will thank you in the morning.

Overgrown cuticles

Over time excessive skin can build up at the nail bed.

Dr Foot Tip: Soak feet for a few minutes, then apply a good cuticle cream such as the Flexitol nail and cuticle cream and push cuticles back gently. Don't try and cut down the sides of your nails as this can cause injury and possibly an ingrown toenail.

Cracked Heels

Standing and walking on hard surfaces for extended periods can lead to fissure which are commonly referred to as cracked heels. If left untreated these fissures can become very painful and possibly become infected.

Dr Foot Tip: Soak your feet in some warm water for no longer than 10-15 minutes; follow this by using a pumice stone or heel scrubber on your heels. Then apply a hydrating lotion or cream. Flexitol Heel Balm which is available from Dr Foot provides an effective treatment for cracked heels.

Some patients take a scalpel or a sharp object to the heels to take off the hard skin; this is obviously a bad idea! The risk of injury and infection is great, if you need the hard skin taking off visit a podiatrist.

Heel Pain

At the first sign of a little bit of sun we start to increase our activity from shopping to walking the dog. We start to give our feet a sudden workout after the relative rest of the winter months.

The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis which is commonly referred to as a heel spur. Plantar fascia is a broad band of fibrous tissue which runs along the bottom surface of the foot, from the heel to the toes. Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which the plantar fascia is inflamed. This condition can be very painful and cause considerable amount of suffering.

Dr Foot Tip: One of the most effective treatment options for heel pain is orthotics, view the Dr Foot Pro Insoles for this.


The human body finds a natural defense mechanism, if your feet are subjected to repeated friction and pressure, then calluses are formed to protect your feet from further damage. Calluses can occur for a variety of reasons such as poor footwear but are more likely to occur due to poor foot mechanics.

Dr Foot Tip: After soaking your feet, gently file calluses away with a callus reducer or emery board. Apply lotions such as the Flexitol Heel Balm or Callusan Extra Mousse generously.

Extra step: Beauticians recommend this secret tip, cut a lemon in half and rub the juice on to the callus, making sure to avoid any broken skin on the foot as lemon juice can sting. Leave it alone for a few minutes and then use a callus file to reduce the hard skin, the acid from the lemon softens the skin making it easier to file.

Consider orthotics such as the Dr Foot Work or Pro Insoles to treat the underlying poor foot mechanics which is the cause of the calluses.


Blisters occur when feet get hot & sweaty, making socks stick to the feet. The sock and foot then rub against each other and the inside of the shoe. Fluid fills up a space between layers of skin to protect the area, like a small balloon. That's how a blister forms.

Dr Foot Tip: In most cases blisters heal naturally and do not require specialist attention. The body will reabsorb the fluid and the blister will dry and peel off. The skin that forms on top of the blisters provides a natural defense to infection. Ideally you should not pierce a blister with a needle and allow it to heal naturally.

You could cover a blister with an adhesive dressing or gauze. If the blister is causing you pain then cover the area with a soft dressing and change the dressing daily. Once the blister bursts refrain from peeling the skin and cover the exposed skin with a dressing.

If a blister becomes infected, it will be very painful, swollen and possibly red. It is advisable to visit your doctor for a prescription of antibiotics ASAP.

Extra step: Use talc, lubricant or blister block cushions on areas that generally blister to prevent them from forming.

Smelly Feet

Everybody is familiar with this phenomenon. Most of us have a friend or relative who can clear out a room when they kick off their shoes. And even the sweetest smelling person can do a decent job stinking up a pair of shoes by running a few miles in them.

The main thing that feeds foot smell is sweat. With more than 250,000 sweat glands each, your feet are among the most perspiring parts of the body. In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat!

Heat, sweat, moisture, synthetic fibers, closed footwear and hyperhidrosis can all cause smelly feet.

Dr Foot Tip: Keep feet clean and dry. If you wear socks, change them daily. Don't wear the same shoes every day; give them a chance to dry out. Dust feet frequently with a foot powder (don't forget between the toes to remove excess moisture). And wear shoes that are made of leather, canvas, mesh or other materials that let the feet breathe.

Extra step: Using products such as Callusan Fresh and Sek anti-perspirant foot spray which are both available from Dr Foot can provide you and your loved ones relief from your smelly feet.

Toe Hair

Unfortunately, hair can grow anywhere, including on your toes. Dr Foot Tip: You can shave or wax these embarrassing hairs. There is also laser therapy that will get rid of hair permanently, but it will take several sessions before you're hair-free. And it can get pricey.

And finally DON'T forget the sunscreen!

When people are wearing sandals on a really hot day they cover the entire body with sunscreen apart from the feet. Your feet are like the rest of your body - they can burn. Apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet and toes before going outdoors.

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"...looking forward to receiving my second pair of Dr Foot Insoles as they have done wonders for my feet. I've been working up to 11-12 hr. a day in a packing factory and have had no pain in my arch area, they feel great!"

Julie S Fall, New York USA